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Laser Treatment

  • Hair Removal

    Laser hair removal is a non-invasive light therapy which eliminates unwanted hair from all parts of the body. laser hair removal works by destroying the roots of the hair. A cooling gel is applied on the skin and diode laser light is guided through a chill-tip to the hair roots. The laser enters into the skin and makes it to the hair follicles, destroying hundreds of them at the same time. When the gel is removed, most of the hairs are wiped out and the remaining fall out within a week or two.

    Patient may feel a slight tingling sensation during the procedure. However, certain body areas are sensitive to the laser and a topical anesthetic can be applied to decrease the uneasiness even further. Laser has an outstanding speed with high efficiency. A complete facial treatment can take just 10 minutes where as legs or a back may take 20 minutes. Number of sittings depends upon the hair color & area of the body which has to be treated. Several sittings may be required depending from patient to patient.

  • Wrinkle Removal

    Wrinkles are formed when the skin loses its protective capacity and becomes susceptible to damage. The skin becomes thin, less elastic and dry due to wrinkles. They appear as accentuated ridges or folds and are predominantly a result of facial expressions. Both the layers of the skin the dermis and the epidermis form wrinkles due the skin’s inability to hold moisture. As a result, the elastin and the collagen in the skin breakdown leading to the formation of fine facial lines or wrinkles.

  • Tattoo Removal

    Laser for tattoo removal is an effective treatment with very little risk of scarring. Laser treatment is often safer than many traditional methods such as excision, dermabrasion because of its unique ability to selectively treat pigment involved in the tattoo.

    In many cases, certain colors may be more effectively removed than others. It is known that blue/black tattoos respond particularly well to laser treatment.

  • Photofacial

    Photofacial is basically a universal term for skin treatment which uses certain kind of light-based technology. Photo facials are usually used for treating broken capillaries, brown spots and enhancing collagen. There are two core types of technology used for photo facials i.e. LED (light-emitting diode) and IPL (intense-pulsed light). They are entirely different from each other, so, in order to get the desired result, it is very important to make out which photofacial will be favorable and then should be used consequently.

  • Hyperpigmentation Skin

    Pigmentation is a heterogeneous group of skin conditions characterized by abnormal deposits of pigment in the body. The condition may be localized or generalized and purely cosmetic in concern or the indicator of a serious underlying condition. Most pigmentary disorders are in the nature of excessive deposits of melanin in the skin. Melanin is the pigment responsible for our skin colour.

    Hormones play an important role in both the generalized forms e.g. Addison’s disease and Hemochromatosis or localized form like Melasma. Facial pigmentation is a cause of serious emotional disturbance as it affects the appearance. The common causes of hyperpigmentation are Hormonal, Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, Drug reactions- hydroquinone, tetracycline, Anti -malarial-Local causes- dark circles, Nevus of Ota, Acanthosis nigricans.

  • Moles/Warts Removal

    Moles , warts are removed with the help of latest radiofrequency machine at our clinic. This treatment is painless with no side effects , no scarring and no or minimal bleeding. Generally only one sitting is required , but depending on the size of the lesion multiple sitting may be needed.