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Hair Treatment

  • Hair Fall Treatment

    Hair loss is a common problem experience by millions of men and women. At least 50 % men and women experience some sort of hair loss by around the age 50. As the preliminary diagnosis of hair loss can be made by the symptoms like thinning of hair and increase in the number of falling hair, it is very easy to initiate various treatment options available.

    After suspecting the occurrence of abnormal hair loss, one has to meet a dermatologist/ trichologist who will conduct special diagnostic tests to find out which type of hair loss the patient is experiencing. Early diagnosis is very important for initiating proper treatment through which hair loss can be controlled.

    Before starting the diagnostic procedure for hair loss the physician will study your medical history and family history to see whether there are any hereditary traits in your family for hair loss. Appropriate hair loss treatment is necessary to be given in the initial stages to avoid formation of big balding patches. Diagnosing the hair loss problems well in advance can lead to proper treatments and save the patients from distress and anguish

  • FUE

    In follicular unit extraction method donor hair is obtained in follicular units. In this case the individual follicular units are extracted directly from the donor area without using linear incision and removing a strip from the donor area. In this method a circular punch about 0.8 mm to 1 mm in made in the skin and follicles are extracted directly from the scalp.Follicular unit extraction and follicular unit transplant are sometimes mistaken and are considered as same procedures. They are either by strip harvesting or by individual follicle harvesting.

    This procedure is very beneficial for patients who want to make the scar invisible. After the healing of the extraction site, it will be very difficult to distinguish the scars even when the hair are kept very short. Suitable for patients who needs only small grafting in the initial stage and for whom the future needs are not known.

  • FUT

    During conventional strip extraction procedure, a thin ribbon of hair bearing tissue is taken from the back of your scalp. It is then carefully dissected under microscope and each hair root is separated. The donor area is stitched using 'Trichophytic Closure Technique' which leaves a barely visible scar. The hair are then transplanted on to the bald area where they grow naturally. The biggest advantage of this procedure is higher graft yield per session. Our expert surgical team can implant up to 5000 hair strands during a standard 8 hour session. At Provelus, we use self absorbing stitches so you need not worry about stitch removal.

  • PRP

    Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is an excellent non-surgical tool to treat thinning and sparse density of hairs. This leads not only to strengthening of existing hairs, but also to regeneration of hairs to a significant extent. It is a safe procedure.This is done as an outdoor procedure and is practically painless. The small amount of platelet rich plasma which is part of your blood, is mixed with certain hair growth factors / stem cells and is applied over scalp. The penetration into the scalp is facilitated either by directly injecting the solution or by preparing the area with certain instruments like derma roller.