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Surgical Treatment

  • Liposuction

    The very concept of liposuction is very simple. It is a surgical technique which helps in enhancing the body’s contour by reducing excess fat from deposits between the skin and muscle. Liposuction includes using a small tube, which is called a cannula. The cannula is connected to a suction pump and is inserted into the fat through incisions in the skin. Suction creates tunnels through fatty layers and retrieves the fat out. When the surgery is done, these tunnels collapse and results in improved and enhanced body contour. Liposuction is both for men and women having relatively normal weight but having localized fat deposits in few areas of the body which do not respond to dieting or exercise.

    Liposuction can be very helpful in reducing them. Any age candidates can benefit from this procedure providing enough skin elasticity to retract to the normal position. Patients who have flaccid skin might require undergoing a combined procedure including skin resection. Patients who also have depressions in their bodies can profit from liposculpture.

  • Tummy Tuck

    The tummy tuck is one of the most commonly performed and satisfying of all body plastic surgery procedures.

    It is so effective because it does something that diet and exercise cannot do at all i.e. remove loose skin. Muscles can be tightened and some fat removed by non-surgical methods but loose and extra skin will only respond to surgery. Many patients do have a hanging pouch of skin consisting of more skin rather than fat in lower tummy area. This has to be removed directly as this will not be responding to liposuction alone.

  • Arm Tuck

    An Arm Tuck, also known as brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure to remove loose skin and excess fat deposits in the upper arm. With age, upper arm skin can become loose and flabby. Plastic surgeons will discuss brachioplasty with patients who want to tighten this skin and look as good as they feel.

    In some cases your plastic surgeon may suggest that liposuction be used alone or in conjunction with an arm lift to remove excess fat in the upper arms.

  • Breast Implants

    Most women who are fretful about their physical appearance want eye-catching and well-rounded breasts. A well-shaped bosom does a lot to boost a woman’s body frame and uplift her self-esteem and buoyancy. Due to this reason, breast augmentation with implants is one of the most widespread plastic surgery techniques at present.

    Millions of females around the globe have breast augmentation with breast implants, and the numbers are going up speedily every day.

  • Breast Enhancement

    Breast enhancement is a physically and emotionally rewarding procedure for a woman who has lost a breast due to cancer or other condition. The creation of a new breast can dramatically improve your self-image, self-confidence and quality of life. Although surgery can give you a relatively natural-looking breast, a reconstructed breast will never look or feel exactly the same as the breast that was removed.

    Breast Enhancement is achieved through several plastic surgery techniques that attempt to restore a breast to near normal shape, appearance and size following mastectomy. Breast enhancement is a highly individualized procedure. You should do it for yourself, not to fulfill someone else's desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image.

  • Breast Reduction

    Attitudes about women’s breasts have always been influenced by fashion trends. In the twenties, women bound their breasts; in the forties, more volume was desirable; then, in the sixties, a less restricted look was popular. Contemporary styles reflect a trend toward fuller, yet natural-looking lines. But regardless of your breast size, all healthy breasts have the same basic anatomy. When you’re considering breast reduction, it helps to know your anatomy so you can make informed choices.

    If you have chosen to proceed with the operation of breast reduction there are various decisions that you and your surgeon must make. Thsese will be discussed with you and we will make recommendations based on our experience and your particular needs. Take your time to consider the options before deciding on a procedure. Clear up any questions before surgery is scheduled.

  • Rhinoplasty

    Rhinoplasty otherwise called nose reshaping surgery is the most popular plastic surgery procedure. It is a procedure that reshapes and redrapes the nose in order to get a more symmetric proportionate and vibrant facial appearance and for functional purposes. Rhinoplasty(Nose reshaping) can reshape and re-drape the nose in a number of ways. A bulky nose can be made smaller and a small nose can be made bigger.

    The tip of the nose can be moulded to the desired shape that is necessary by sculpting the cartilages and re-draping the skin. The demand for cosmetic procedures such as rhinoplasty is on the rise and more and more young individuals come seeking for rhinoplasty.