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Non Surgical Treatment

  • Ultrasonic Liposuction

    Excess weight is always a problem for most people and while there are those who will put in the effort to reduce the same by exercising or controlling their diet, there are those who will look for easier and more effective methods. One of the much favoured methods these days happens to be liposuction and even though the traditional method requires a few cuts, the newer versions don’t! Non-surgical liposuction is a comparatively new entry into the field of excess fat removal, but it is fast emerging as the most popular choice.

    Ultrasonic Liposuction is usually very effective at removing fat deposits in small areas using suction. Some improvement in body contour is usually noticeable right after the surgery. In recent years, improved techniques have made Ultrasonic Liposuction safer, easier, and less painful.

  • Spot Reduction

    Stressed skin is one of the reasons why people have dark spots. Women who have sensitive skin are prone to dark spots especially on their face. These spots are generally caused because of excess melanin, the pigment that affects the skin tone of a person. These spots may occur on your forearms or upper back or shoulders or the back of your hands or your face. There are many reasons why dark spots can occur such as mental stress, UV exposure and anything that leads to overproduction of melanin.

    The good news is, for dark spots removal there is a complete cure available. But, you need to find a good clinic that will do this for you.Several reasons can trigger this over-production, including UV exposure and mental stress. La Belle dark spot treatment restores the hidden charm of your appearance, cleansing even the toughest pigmentation.

  • Arm Tuck

    In today’s cosmetically oriented world, toned and slender arms are a primary focus of women looking to get the perfect physique. Through the aging process or weight gain, the upper arms can accumulate fat that is difficult to eliminate through diet and exercise. Understanding this, many women turn to liposuction to help reduce this fat tissue.

    Patients seeking Arms Liposuction have reported two main goals first one is to achieve a proportionate appearance in the arms and second one is to feel more comfortable with their arms so they can wear sleeveless clothing. Even though the upper arms appear to just be a singular, uncomplicated mass of tissue, it actually requires a refined and highly delicate approach to ensure they reach their cosmetic goal.

  • Thigh Tuck

    Thigh Lift reshapes the thighs by reducing the excess fat and lax skin, resulting in smoother and well contoured thighs and lower body. This gives a body which is well proportioned. If fitness and weight loss regimes have not achieved your goals of a firmer proportionate body then think of getting a thigh liposuction or a thigh lift.

    In general, candidates for thigh lift are:
    Patients with relatively stable weight
    Excess fat along the inner and medial thigh region and/or outer thigh
    Good general health.
    Non smokers.
    Individuals with realistic goals and positive outlook.
    Individuals committed to leading a healthy lifestyle.

  • Body Reshaping

    The physical appearance matters a lot for everybody. Achieving the desired bodystatistics is not a dream any more. Whether you are an aspirant to step into the glamour world or simply require a figure correction, we have a solution for you. We provide effective and permanent body Reshaping solutions for men and women.

    Women have several problems with their figure due to weight gain during the pregnancy period, saggy skin, improper breast development and other reasons. At Health and Wellness, we provide high-end body sculpting treatments including Abdominoplasty, Liposuction, Breast Reduction treatments and much more.

  • Body Tightening

    Appeal in the female body lies in its figure, BEAUTY IS SHAPE. You may feel the need to regain your pride with beautiful body figure and shape which you had once, but, after pregnancy or weight gain or some other reasons now you cannot see yourself in mirror. Bulging arms, loose and wrinkled skin around the chin, a bulging tummy….are all complaints which make one feel ugly, undesirable or plain unhealthy. What all one would give to have just a little perfection in their body.

    Accent XL helps to treat problem areas for tightening and firming any loose, wrinkled or dimpled skin anywhere on the body. The treatment is frequently used to improve the thin, delicate skin of face, neck and underarms. It is boon to postnatal or post surgical abdomen, buttocks thighs and upper arms.